Nicotine Replacement Products

Consider your options when looking for nicotine replacement products

When we think about nicotine replacement products we tend to think of gum, patches, vaping or simply going cold turkey. Whilst each have their own way of curbing the cravings, quite often these can be short lived and not give you that nicotine hit you require.

If you want to try a new way to curb your nicotine cravings, and do it discreetly, you can benefit from our nicotine pouches.

How do they work?

Made from natural cellulose fibres, which is similar to paper, the pouches need to be placed between the gums and lips inside your mouth for up to 60 minutes. Over this time period, your saliva activates the nicotine through your bloodstream so you get an even dose that eases your cravings.

What separates them from other methods?

  • Nicotine pouches won’t stain your teeth or emit an odour
  • A whole host of flavours and strengths for you to choose from
  • Zero tobacco and no deadly chemicals
  • A discreet way to battle your nicotine cravings
  • Less fuss, mess and commitment when compared to vaping

Buy today

When you buy today, you’ll get free UK delivery with no minimum order value and mix and match on:

  • 5% OFF Any 3 Pouches
  • 7% OFF Any 6 Pouches
  • 10% OFF Any 10 Pouches

To shop our full range of nicotine pouches, see our website and buy today.